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FIA Press Conference: Coulthard and Fisichella


Q: So, gentleman, have you had a slightly quieter break than our last two guests? Actually you’ve been with Jenson, haven’t you David?
David Coulthard: It depends in what sense you mean I’ve been with him, but erm, we were travelling together for part of the holiday. I had a great break. I spent the first week training in the hills and then the second week undoing it all on a boat. It was very good, good to have that time and as you say I was with Jenson for part of the story of his thing breaking and then just been back in Monaco in preparation for coming here.

Q: Giancarlo, what about you?
Giancarlo Fisichella: It was a very good break, long enough. I had a good rest with the family. I went to Ibiza and Formentera. I did some training so I feel very pleased now, I’m confident, relaxed.

Q: What about the season so far for you, the Sauber progress?
GF: Yeah, the beginning of the season the car was a bit… the package wasn’t good enough and I was struggling a bit with the grip, so for the first few races it was difficult for us to score points. But then from Imola the team made a big step forwards and race after race there was a good step in aerodynamic components and I did a few good races. Starting from the back of the grid I scored points so we are getting better and better. They (the team) are doing very, very well and even for this weekend we have something more so I am optimistic.

Q: Jenson and Mark both said they felt the Michelins would be the better tyre here. What are your feelings?
GF: Considering last year’s result I think it’s going to be quite difficult for us, but Bridgestone did a fantastic job during the winter and even during the season and we have here a new specification tyres, new compound tyres, so we will see, maybe, that we are a bit closer at this race.

Q: Since the last race it has been announced that you’re going to Renault for next year, but we always thought you wanted to go to Ferrari.
GF: No, no. I know in Ferrari there is no place, no seat, until 2006, and around a month ago I saw the possibility to move into a top team like Williams or Renault and I hope the choice I have made is the right one. I am pretty sure that next year is going to be alright. I am confident and I am happy because Renault is now, I think, the strongest team after Ferrari. They are second in the championship. I want to win, I want to win not just another race but even the championship.

Q: What about Fernando? How well do you get on with him?
GF: Fernando’s a nice guy and he’s a very quick driver. I met him a few years ago and we have a very good friendship so I’m happy to have Fernando as a team-mate.

Q: Are you going to move to England?
GF: Well, erm, if it is necessary, yes. Otherwise I stay in Rome.

Q: David, is it a bit worrying seeing all these drives disappearing at the moment?
DC: Well now you mention it yes. I’d never really thought about it like that. There are naturally only so many seats available and you know in time we’ll find out whether there’s one available for me.

Q: And yet McLaren are having this great revival, how do you feel about that?
DC: I think it’s good, it’s a little bit late in the season but better late then never, and it shows what can be done during a year. When you consider normally if you start with a bad package, that’s it for the season. But it shows the resources that they have that they were able to pull it around.

Q: Is there a lot more here as well?
DC: You don’t know until you get on the track but potentially there’s more performance for this race. Obviously it’s a different aero set-up than what we’ve run in the last couple of races so we have to see how we stand relative to the others and tyre choice - we were a little bit different than the other Michelin runners at Hockenheim and I think it was a good choice. There are some other teams have the same tyre as us here so it remains to be seen just how it works in the package.

Q: Are you pretty confident of the Michelins here?
DC: Yeah, I don’t think we quite got the hot temperatures that maybe we expected in Hockenheim and that meant the tyre that we chose had no blistering. Again, temperatures here don’t seem to be as high as in previous years and I think the forecast is to be even less, so it may mean that we have actually gone a little bit conservative in our choice but better to be what you think maybe is conservative than to be blistering and losing performance.

Q: And reliability-wise?
DC: Well, obviously, Kimi’s failure (in Hockenheim) aside, the rest of the car seems to be running quite strongly. The team understands exactly what happened. It hopefully wouldn’t affect this race anyway because it is a different wing set-up and I’m sure that it will be rectified for the future.


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