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FIA Press Conference: Webber and Button


Q: Have you enjoyed a quiet break, I am sure you both have! No? What have you been up to Jenson, tell us.
Jenson Button: It has been a very quiet one for me.

Q: Yeah? Where have you been?
JB: Sardinia

Q: Keeping fit?
JB: Not really. I am still a little bit tired coming here.

Q: And Mark, where have you been?
Mark Webber: At home, just at home in England, well, it’s not home really, it’s my second home. Normally I go back to Australia but I didn’t manage to do it this break. So it’s just good to stay at home, no plane flights, so, yeah, I feel ready to go.

Q: No mountain climbing this year?
MW: No. All pretty chilled out. Yeah, it went pretty quick, the break.

JB: Where have you been? You have come back chocolate colour!

Q: Yeah, just been out in the sun. Very busy! Jenson, tell us first of all the situation as it stands regarding your drive for next year at the moment.
JB: I think I have made myself pretty clear in the press already. I don’t think there is any use going into it again, well, I am not willing to anyway.

Q: But, I mean, the situation regarding the contract recognition board, what happens about that? Can you tell us about that?
JB: No, I can’t. You will have to ask the team because it is a contractual matter and I am not able to discuss that.

Q: Well, you have both been team-mates before. How do you feel about teaming up again next year, if it happens?
JB: Again, I am not going to comment about being team-mates. But as a driver, Mark is, erm, we have worked together before, and he really works hard which is fantastic to see. He puts in a lot of effort in every area and I think he would be a big bonus to any team in Formula One.

Q: When you signed with Williams did you know that he was going to be your team-mate?
JB: No comment.

Q: Mark, same question?
MW: Well, I think I would have been the only bloke on the planet if I had known when I signed my contract that Jenson was going to be my team-mate.

Q: You mean you signed it that long ago?
MW: I signed it after Hungary…after Hockenheim (laughter). Frank asked me who, of all the drivers available… if I had known Jenson was on the market clearly he would have been a driver who, you know, after Giancarlo, Jenson would be fantastic as well, ideal for me and the team.

Q: So you are perfectly happy with having him, obviously?
MW: Absolutely perfect.

Q: Jenson, obviously, you had a meeting with David Richards last Sunday. How is the atmosphere in the team, you have obviously spent quite a bit of time there.
JB: The atmosphere is, erm, okay, it’s fine, you know, we are all here to do a job and I am looking forward to it. I think we have got a good car here, we should be able to get a good result, everyone is pretty excited about the weekend and so yeah, we are pretty positive.

Q: You don’t think things are going to change at all?
JB: I don’t think we are going to get any less positive. As soon as we get onto the circuit, we are in a position to challenge for a victory here, I think, so no, we are very positive and that is going to continue throughout the weekend, bar a few mishaps.

Q: What do you think of BAR’s chances in the future?
JB: Well, it is difficult to say, isn’t it? For anyone.

Q: You have made your feelings clear about Williams’ chances in the future, so what about BAR’s?
JB: They have obviously got a good career in front of them but it is difficult for anyone to say how good.


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