COTA Promoter fined €500,000 following track invasion


The promoter of the United States Grand Prix has been fined after around 200 people invaded the track while drivers were still completing their cool down laps.

A large group of spectators, estimated at approximately 200 people, in the grandstand alongside pit straight, climbed a small fence and dropped around 2 metres to the ground between the grandstand and the track debris fencing.

They then went under the debris fencing and climbed over the trackside wall (approximately 1 metre high) and then merged onto the main straight.

All this occurred whilst the competing cars were still on track completing their cool down lap after the chequered flag.

The Stewards heard from Messrs Regan Holley and Jake Woese representing the Promoter, Mr Tim Mayer representing US Race Management and Messrs Nikolas Tombazis, Tim Malyon and Niels Wittich representing the FIA.

Mr Dennis Dean, the ASN steward, was not considered to have a conflict of interest as he had no role in either the promoting body nor the sporting organiser.

It was noted that there had been no track incursions at this circuit in its 12-year history of Formula 1 events. However, it was noted that crowd behaviour is an evolving issue, and that public safety precautions should evolve accordingly. It is not unreasonable to expect that the incursion which occurred could have been foreseen.

While the Stewards noted that the Safety Plan for the allowance of the public onto the track, was actually well implemented, the incursion occurred due to the failure to identify a potential incursion area that was not addressed in that Safety Plan.

The Stewards noted the submission by the FIA that unlike some previous track incursions at other circuits, it wished to have this matter dealt with by the Stewards of the Event. Mr Mayer agreed with this request on behalf of the Sporting Organiser and the Promoter.

Accordingly, the Stewards determined that the Promoter breached Article 12.2.1.h of the 2024 FIA International Sporting Code and is required, by December 31 2024, to submit to the FIA a formal remediation plan that, in the opinion of the FIA, adequately addresses this issue but also assesses whether other potential incursion areas exist around the circuit.

There have now been a number of track incursions in recent times and the safety of the public is of paramount importance to the sport, in view of the severity of this incursion, a fine of €500,000 was imposed on the Promoter.

However, in view of the fact this is the first case of its kind at this circuit, €350,000 of the fine is suspended until December 31 2026 on the basis that between now and that date, there are no further track incursions at this circuit during any FIA Championship Event.

Check out our Sunday gallery from COTA here.

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Published: 21/10/2024
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