Dutch Grand Prix: Practice team notes - Williams


Sven Smeets, Sporting Director: The weather in FP1 didn't really help us to get a first understanding of our upgrade package.

A wet, sandy track and wind gusts up to 90km/h made it a difficult session. Nevertheless, we made the most of it and we had a good session in FP2. There are definitely some points that we can improve overnight for tomorrow, but we can already see that it is going to be very tight in the midfield. It looks at the moment that we'll start with a dry Qualifying, but rain is expected from around 16:00hrs onwards so it could very quickly become a tricky afternoon.

Alex Albon: Both sessions were okay today, however FP1 felt a little stronger while we've been learning about our new aero package and update. Everything seems to be pretty in line with where we expected it to be, and the car doesn't feel drastically different but that's also what we expected. We're chipping away at it, but I think we need a bit more pace and there are definitely some areas we know need fixing. Coming back from summer break, the bigger issue is feeling a bit rusty and compiled with the wind, rain and a tight and sandy track, it's just about trying to get back into the groove.

Logan Sargeant: It's hard to tell how the upgrades are performing with the wind being so strong making it feel unpredictable and tricky to drive. Today's really a day to get the rust off and feel comfortable in the car again after the summer break and we did that. There are definitely some points to improve on tomorrow, but we ticked off most of what we needed to do. There's always opportunity, so we'll focus on ourselves and aim to put the best car together come Qualifying.

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Published: 23/08/2024
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