Belgian Grand Prix: Practice team notes - Red Bull


Max Verstappen: "We tried quite a few things today, tweaking and testing the car, because it is typically Spa where of course you have sector one and three where you want the top speed and then a very long middle sector where you want a cornering speed.

"It is always very tricky to find the right balance when you are trying a few things to see what is better. We'll look at it on the data and analyse the day in debrief. We started off quite positively today and have some things to work on from FP2, so there are a few things to look at. Hopefully all the changes that we made will come together, especially as I will be starting near the back for the race because of the engine penalty. However, we will try to optimise this as much as we can. Naturally, you always want a good qualifying, but the race is our focus."

Sergio Perez: "During the practice sessions we have been playing around with the set-up, but haven't been able to fully extract everything out of the car yet. The Team got plenty of information from today with both cars running quite different and there's a lot to analyse for tomorrow's strategy. It is going to be an interesting weekend coming up, tomorrow's qualifying could be potentially wet and Sunday is looking dry at the moment. Going in to the weekend there are still a lot of unknowns so we'll need to be able to adapt."

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Published: 26/07/2024
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