Las Vegas Grand Prix: Practice team notes - Williams


Dave Robson, Head of Vehicle Performance: It has been a very long day here in Las Vegas, but it was good to get some proper running in during FP2. The grip was very low for a lot of the session but improved steadily as more laps were completed.

Both drivers showed good pace across the compound range and were able to gather a lot of useful data and experience. There isn't a lot of working time between now and FP3, but we will use what time there is to learn from today's running and find some more pace from the FW45.

It has been great to run the cars on this exciting new circuit and in such an iconic city. We've started the weekend well but there is a long way still to go and more performance to find.

Alex Albon: It's a tricky track but it wasn't too bad, however it's going to be all about the braking. As soon as you get confident on the brakes, you're going to be quite quick. Being a new track, the evolution is extremely high, but I do think we're in good shape and the car is in a good place. We're going to have to do a bit of fine tuning which is expected but the pace was good. I think the long run is a little more difficult because of the cold temperatures but otherwise I feel good.

Logan Sargeant: It was a tricky session with extremely low grip. Obviously with the temperatures as well it's taking a long time for the tyres to come in. The long run at the end wasn't too bad but we need to figure out the low fuel stuff for tomorrow. There's a lot of data to get through from that session. It's really about switching the tyre on as quick as we can as that makes a huge difference for both me and the car and we'll figure out the best way to do that.

Check out our Friday gallery from Las Vegas here.

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Published: 17/11/2023
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