Stroll cracking under the pressure?


Lance Stroll has difficult opening day in Qatar that ends with Canadian under attack on social media following clash with personal trainer.

Only this week in our newsletter we suggested that rather than the anodyne comments included in the press releases issued at the end of each day's action, a microphone should be shoved in the face of the drivers in the moments after they climb from their cars in order that we get the truth.

Surely there is no better example than that at Aston Martin, where the reality and the press release bear no relation to one another.

"It was a disappointing qualifying session today," admits Lance Stroll in the official release. "My first lap was deleted due to track limits and I had to abort my second due to traffic, so I had a big job to do for my final run.

"The car felt okay," he adds, "but we just didn't have the pace. We've got another opportunity to go again tomorrow, and learn what we can ahead of the Sprint events."

Whereas the reality was...

"Yeah, it's shit," as admitted by the Canadian in the moments after a session which saw him qualify 17th for Sunday's race.

"I don't know," he added when asked why the car isn't working for him, before adding that his approach will be to "keep driving", and then walking away leaving his interviewer hanging mid-sentence.

Earlier, TV replays had shown the Canadian physically push his personal trainer, Henry Howe after being told he had to go to the FIA's weighing area.

Clearly, Stroll's mood wasn't helped by the fact that teammate Fernando Alonso had qualified fourth, the Spaniard looking to increase the 127 point difference between the pair this weekend.

Not wanting to add to the youngster's pressure, the fact is that this year he has been off the boil, and despite the fact that Aston Martin has also allowed itself to fall behind as the season developed, had he made the most of the car at the beginning of the season the Silverstone-based outfit might not find itself under pressure from McLaren, having already lost out to Ferrari.

If Alonso can continue to try and wring the best out of the car at every opportunity, so can Stroll.

As for the histrionics, they are not a good look for the driver, his team or the sport, and if he really feels that "it's shit" maybe he should make way for someone prepared to give his all.

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Published: 07/10/2023
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