Green light for drivers to be allowed more engine components


Today's meeting of the F1 Commission saw the number of permitted internal combustion engines, turbo chargers, MGU-Hs and MGU-Ks increased from 3 to 4.

A number of other minor updates to the 2023 and 2024 technical regulations were also approved by the commission.

Other than the increase to the number of permitted engine components, the time allocated to the grid procedure for a Grand Prix will be increased from 40 to 50 minutes. At certain races, this additional time will be used for the presentation of the drivers to the fans. No doubt with the Brad Pitt movie in mind.

Also, the updated definition of 'working on a car' during a pit stop penalty (Article 54.4.c) that was introduced as a Sporting Directive in March will be included within the Sporting Regulations.

Finally, a specifically dedicated working group within the Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) has developed a proposal for the introduction of an exclusion of costs in respect of certain sustainability initiatives from 2023 onwards, with particular focus on environmental concerns.

Following support from the FAC members and approval of the Commission, certain Sustainability Initiative Costs will now be excluded from the Cost Cap. These exclusions cover, amongst other things, costs associated with installing sustainable infrastructure, auditing and monitoring of Competitors' carbon footprint, donations to charities engaged in the promotion of environmental sustainability projects and carbon offset programmes. The FAC will continue to refine this regulation.

Article from Pitpass (

Published: 26/04/2023
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