Lots of people are fascinated with Formula One drivers and everything related to the magic atmosphere reigning on the F1 circuits.
No wonder, F1 experienced engineers, mechanics, IT specialists, and long-time F1 fans are dreaming of becoming part of the F1 team. If you're also nurturing the same dream but think it's too unreal to transform into reality, think again. Apart from 20 cool drivers on track, there are almost 1,200 employees per team working behind the scenes. This means your skills and expertise also might contribute to the grandeur of the world's most prestigious motor racing competition.
Type of F1 Jobs
You don't need to be a driver or an engineer to get a job in Formula One. There are hundreds of jobs away from this that don't require specialized skills and knowledge. There are such areas as marketing, finance, IT, personal training, to name just a few, you can try your hand at. Basically, if you have a passion, chances are you'll be able to find a job that suits your qualifications and liking.
So, the way Formula One jobs are categorized is simple. You might have either competitive jobs or non-competitive jobs. Competitive jobs are those that involve working for a driver or a team competing to be better in the sport, whereas non-competitive jobs allow seeing the sport from the outside and can't actually affect the result of a race or qualifying session.
Competitive Jobs
Let's start with the technical side and check out the list of roles you might want to consider for your future career with F1.
• Mechanics
• Engineers
• Technicians
• Machinists
• Aerodynamicists
• Designers
• IT specialists
Engineers cover a wide range from optimizing the chassis and power units back at the factory or managing race data and deciding strategies' track side.
Aerodynamicists, unsurprisingly, work on the aerodynamic design of the cars, working heavily on CAD software and wind tunnels. If you're fond of Math, this job can be the best bet for you. So, you can start looking for the cheapest custom writing services to help you nail that Literature essay and start devoting some time to your Math classes!
Mechanics, however, are purely focused on building and repairing cars throughout the year and keeping them at the optimal performance.
Technicians are basically the Jack of all trades assisting in anything from moving shipping containers to preparing the tires. All in all, these specialists should be good at carrying out a wide range of functional jobs.
Machinists, in their turn, are responsible for building and constructing the physical components put on the car using complex CNC machines.
Designers work on creating such components as bolts produced by machinists and put on the car by mechanics.
Finally, IT specialists are mainly focused on maintaining hardware so computers, servers, and things like communication networks and security systems operate as intended and allow teams to function effectively.
Non-Competitive Jobs
Business roles make sure everything behind the scenes in a F1 team is taken care of. There are six main areas of business operations you can get into.
• Marketing
• Operations
• Hospitality
• Finance
• Human Relations
• Legal
Marketing involves creating promotional materials and projects in order to attract sponsors as well as the majority of media roles in the team, whereas the operations area concerns the logistic organizing in terms of team members and motorhomes' transportation to races.
Operations specialists also deal with managing supply chains for various components and materials. Finance manages everything related to money. It keeps business spending forecasting and keeping track of company accounts, which is what Red Bulls struggled to do.
Hospitality involves managing any guests attending the races in the team hospitality area including organizing tours, managing catering, and guest experience.
Human relations is essentially the hiring and firing of staff, as well as developing a team culture and microclimate conducive to effective cooperation within the team.
Legal, as its name suggests, handles basic legal problems such as team disputes and deal negotiations. But the same procedures also can be done by the third party.
Now that you know more about F1 positions and jobs offered to candidates, you can start putting your time and effort in building important contacts in the sport to get that close to your favorite driver or just score an enviable business position in Formula One.