On the day that his home town reveals that it is to name a street in his honour, Lewis Hamilton has revealed that his is to move to Switzerland.
With Lewis Hamilton destined to become one of motorsport's big money earner, there has been speculation for some time that the 22-year-old might move abroad where the tax laws are more favourable, however, it was widely thought that Monaco would be his ultimate destination.
Explaining the move to BBC Sport, Hamilton said: "I'm going to a country that I don't know but it's very exciting."
"It was a tough decision," he added. "My dream for years was to move to London - I stayed in London at a friend's house this weekend and I woke up in the morning and just knew it was where I wanted to be. But I'll meet new people, new faces and I do have a few friends there and my family and friends from home will be able to come and visit me."