A damper system developed by Renault, and subsequently used by a number of other teams, has been outlawed by the FIA, under Article 3.15 of the FIA Formula 1 Technical Regulations, which states that all parts of the car must be "rigidly secured to the entirely sprung part of the car" and "must remain immobile in relation to the sprung part of the car".
The system, which consists of a weight mounted inside a spring, the aim of which is to reduce vibration from the tyres, making the car more stable. It is particularly effective when cars 'bounce' in corners, giving added grip.
The FIA's technical delegate, Charlie Whiting, has now written to the teams stating that the damper contravenes Article 3.15 of the F1 Technical Regulations and are no longer permissible.
It is thought the ban will have more effect on the Michelin-shod teams.