Innovative F1 designer John Barnard has revealed that his company, B3 Technologies, together with Ricardo, one of the world's leading motorsports powertrain, driveline and transmission technology providers, is to collaborate on a MotoGP race team.
One of the finest designers of his generation, for over thirty years Barnard has been a leading influence in the application of advanced vehicle technologies in a wide range of motor racing formulae. Innovations credited to Barnard include the first full carbon fibre F1 chassis and the semi-automatic paddle shift gearbox.
As managing director of B3 Technologies he continues to deliver high technology components for many of the leading teams in Formula 1 as well as programmes for customers in sectors such as deep-sea research and satellite systems. From 2003-04 Barnard was technical director for the Kenny Roberts team, doing much to lay the foundations for the company's impressive current form.
B3 grew out of Ferrari Design and Development Ltd, a company set up by Ferrari in 1992 to gain access to the latest technology that was being pioneered in the UK, largely by Barnard. Over the 5 year period of his contract, Ferrari gradually transferred the knowledge and practices back to Italy. The exercise over, in 1997, John acquired the company, re-naming it B3.
"My exposure to MotoGp has left me with a firm conviction that there is much scope for the use of advanced technology to make a significant move forward in the potential performance of the bike," said Barnard. WI also believe that working closely with the designers of the powertrain can reap big benefits, and in this respect I am delighted to be collaborating with a company of Ricardo's calibre."