Talking Point: Questions, questions


In a recent feature for Pitpass, Michael Clark posed a number of questions for the 2006 season, and at the time we said that we would use them for a Talking Point.

So here we are, without further ado, here are Michael's 20 questions, plus two more we've added in.

Please feel free to give your answers and comments on all the questions, or simply select one or two - it's your choice.

  1. Will either of the existing McLaren drivers stay on for 2007?
  2. If not, will one be at Ferrari and the other at Toyota?
  3. And if not - who will the Ronster announce as Alonso's partner for '07?
  4. Will Michael retire and if so, what month will the announcement be made?
  5. Will Toyota or Honda be the first Japanese manufacturer to win a race (with a V8)?
  6. Will BMW win, or even get a rostrum, before either of the Japanese manufacturers?
  7. Will WilliamsF1 score more points without a BMW engine than the Germans do with their BMW engine?
  8. Will the Cosworth be the surprise package of 2006?
  9. What are the chances of Renault/Alonso having a very average defending year - like Jack Brabham/Cooper in 1961, Phil Hill/Ferrari in 1962, Jim Clark/Lotus in 1966, Mario Andretti/Lotus in 1979 and Jody Scheckter/Ferrari in 1980.
  10. Will Renault announce during the course of 2006 that they will pull the plug at the end of 2007?
  11. And if they do, will they remain as an engine supplier?
  12. Will Ralf continue to be trounced by Jarno?
  13. Will any driver achieve their maiden victory?
  14. Will the new qualifying system make it to 2007?
  15. Will it make it to July?
  16. Does Michael still have what it takes to put a championship together?
  17. Does Ferrari still have what it takes to put a championship together?
  18. Will Red Bull have a dose of the 'year 2 blues'?
  19. Will the 2.4 litre V8s provide better racing?
  20. Jenson or Rubens - who'll come out on top?
  21. By the end of the season how much faster will the 'slower' V8 cars be than last years 'quicker' V10s
  22. In what month will Kimi be announced as being in the Ferrari for 2007?

Chris Balfe

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Note: Please include your full name - without a valid name we will not publish your entry.

Alex Rensen - The Netherlands

Will either of the existing McLaren drivers stay on for 2007?
Kimi will leave, Montoya will flirt with Red Bull and Renault, but he’ll partner Alonso in 2007

If not, will one be at Ferrari and the other at Toyota?
Kimi will fill Massa’s seat, Massa will join Toyota.

And if not - who will the Ronster announce as Alonso's partner for '07?
Ralph Schumacher

Will Michael retire and if so, what month will the announcement be made?
It will all depend on the way the Ferrari’s fare, if they’re not good enough Micheal won’t retire and if they are, he’ll announce it in the pressconference after he won his 8th championship

Will Toyota or Honda be the first Japanese manufacturer to win a race (with a V8)?
Definitely Honda, the inconsistency of the Toyota drivers will harm them too much

Will BMW win, or even get a rostrum, before either of the Japanese manufacturers?
Is that mend as a joke?

Will WilliamsF1 score more points without a BMW engine than the Germans do with their BMW engine?
Williams will make good use of their 3rd driver and finish in the top 5

Will the Cosworth be the surprise package of 2006?
The FIA will make sure the V10 doesn’t fare too well too often, the V8 will be a bit above average

What are the chances of Renault/Alonso having a very average defending year - like Jack Brabham/Cooper in 1961, Phil Hill/Ferrari in 1962, Jim Clark/Lotus in 1966, Mario Andretti/Lotus in 1979 and Jody Scheckter/Ferrari in 1980.
Renault, no matter what they’ll say, will give Fisi a better car, leaving Alonso to eat dust.

Will Renault announce during the course of 2006 that they will pull the plug at the end of 2007?
Reanult will pull the plug at the end of 2007

And if they do, will they remain as an engine supplier?
Who would want a French-made engine??

Will Ralf continue to be trounced by Jarno?
Both will be too inconsistent for point scoring

Will any driver achieve their maiden victory?
Button might win his first

Will the new qualifying system make it to 2007?
Tough one, it’s fuzziness will be interesting, but incomprehensible at times

Will it make it to July?
Yeah it will, Paul Stoddart has left F1, so who will complain and be a cry-baby

Does Michael still have what it takes to put a championship together?
More than ever

Does Ferrari still have what it takes to put a championship together?
They have the will

Will Red Bull have a dose of the 'year 2 blues'?
They’ll be slow starters, but will catch up after a few races

Will the 2.4 litre V8s provide better racing?
Compared to what?

Jenson or Rubens - who'll come out on top?
Jenson will make himself a nonvirgin, but Rubens will push him to the limit

By the end of the season how much faster will the 'slower' V8 cars be than last years 'quicker' V10s?
Not a great question, some V8’s are in inferior cars with average levelled drivers in the cockpit. The top teams will be a little faster, the lesser teams will have to look up at the same gap in time and performance

In what month will Kimi be announced as being in the Ferrari for 2007?
In August

Denith McNicolls

1 & 2 & 3. Kimi's heading to Ferrari. Montoya, I have no idea, but I believe he's worried about his big Mac ride right about now.
4. Michael, I don't know if he would, but he should... and this is only because I don't like the man.
5. Honda, only because they seem to have some kind of clue, except for the fact that they re-hired Button, and fought hard to do it.
6. Honda's going to beat BMW to it. Did I mention how clueless Toyota is?
7 & 8. Cosworth seems to be a great engine, however, Bridgestone seems to be a crap tyre. This goes for the last question as well, so Williams might be around the same as last year (but I really hope they rock hard)
9. I think McLaren, Honda and that's-about-it will give Renault a run for their money, even if Honda probably won't win a race without attrition.
10 & 11. I have no idea, if yes, they're gone completely.
12. Obviously. Did you really have to ask?
13. Hmm... I doubt. The real question: Will Fisi ever win again?
14. No.
15. ...Outside chance of it.
16 & 17. Michael never had it, the car had it. It's a shame Rubens was such a lapdog. (Ok, maybe Michael had part of it...). Ferrari, I don't know what they're doing? Are FIAT's worries getting to them?
18. What are the two year blues?
19. It can't get worse.
20. Rubens. Jenson will become unbuttoned.
21. Not faster.
22. Two weeks after the chin retires.

Ian O’Keeffe - Ireland

1. Will either of the existing McLaren drivers stay on for 2007? Montoya.
2. If not, will one be at Ferrari and the other at Toyota? Kimi -> Toyota.
3. And if not - who will the Ronster announce as Alonso's partner for '07? Montoya.
4. Will Michael retire and if so, what month will the announcement be made? No.
5. Will Toyota or Honda be the first Japanese manufacturer to win a race (with a V8)? Honda.
6. Will BMW win, or even get a rostrum, before either of the Japanese manufacturers? No.
7. Will WilliamsF1 score more points without a BMW engine than the Germans do with their BMW engine? Yes.
8. Will the Cosworth be the surprise package of 2006? Yes.
9. What are the chances of Renault/Alonso having a very average defending year - like Jack Brabham/Cooper in 1961, Phil Hill/Ferrari in 1962, Jim Clark/Lotus in 1966, Mario Andretti/Lotus in 1979 and Jody Scheckter/Ferrari in 1980. - The Renault will be so quick and reliable he has to have a good year.
10. Will Renault announce during the course of 2006 that they will pull the plug at the end of 2007? No.
11. And if they do, will they remain as an engine supplier? If they do, they will.
12. Will Ralf continue to be trounced by Jarno? No. New front suspension an Bridgestone tyres are to his advantage
13. Will any driver achieve their maiden victory? Jenson, Felipe, Nico, Heidfeld, all in with a shout if unusual circumstances arise.
14. Will the new qualifying system make it to 2007? Yes.
15. Will it make it to July? Yes. It will be tweaked, but not banished.
16. Does Michael still have what it takes to put a championship together? Yes.
17. Does Ferrari still have what it takes to put a championship together? Yes.
18. Will Red Bull have a dose of the 'year 2 blues'? Yes. They will suffer engine failures, and STR will beat them in the points tally.
19. Will the 2.4 litre V8s provide better racing? No difference. Depends on aerodynamics, not engine power.
20. Jenson or Rubens - who'll come out on top? Rubens.
21. By the end of the season how much faster will the 'slower' V8 cars be than last years 'quicker' V10s? On non-power circuits, with sticky low-life tyres (eg. Hungaroring), by about 1.5 - 2.0 seconds. Elsewhere, difference will be much closer. Monza will see V10s still faster.
22. In what month will Kimi be announced as being in the Ferrari for 2007? See 4, Kimi can't/won't move to Ferrari until Mchael retires.

Michel Boily - Montreal

1. Of course!
2. We will know by mid season depending on points and if one or the other gets a big offer from another team.
3. na
4. no retirement schedule.
5. Honda will win at least 2 races, Toyota not.
6. BMW and Jacouille will win in Imola.
7. No too many engine failures coming their way.
8. Yes in Toro Rosso but Max Mosley will make sure to send them back at the end of the grid with a new REV limit.
9. Not much! He will win again or finish second.
10. If they do it will be done at the end of the year. After the Chinese grand prix.
11. If so, Yes they will.
12. Yes.
13. Yes, Jenson Button
14. It will be fun to watch. I think so.
15. Yes, perhaps some small adjustments made. (2 instead of 3 periods)
16. Yes. He only needs early momentum.
17. Yes, If the 248 is quick from the start of the season. (3 first races)
18. Don’t know what that means in F1.
19. ohhh yes! I look forward to hear the new sound of it at the Montreal Grand prix. The V10’s made such a good vibration let’s hope it’s not to much of a down fall.
20. Jenson is due while Ruben is past due!
21. Less than a second!
22. No, Kimi is not going to Ferrari...keep dreaming

Andy Cox - Waterloo, Ontario

1. Yes
2. Kimi @ Ferrari
3. Montoya
4. No
5. Honda
6. No
7. Yes
8. ?
9. low
10. Yes
11. No
12. Yes
13. Button
14. Yes
15. Yes
16. Yes
17. Yes
18. ?
19. Yes
20. Rubens
21. .5 sec.
22. August

Mike Oxley

Will either of the existing McLaren drivers stay on for 2007?
Yes. JPM.

If not, will one be at Ferrari and the other at Toyota?
Kimi will be at Ferrari.

And if not - who will the Ronster announce as Alonso's partner for '07?
If I'm wrong and both drivers go away, then Paffett will drive.

Will Michael retire and if so, what month will the announcement be made?
Yes. July.

Will Toyota or Honda be the first Japanese manufacturer to win a race (with a V8)?

Will BMW win, or even get a rostrum, before either of the Japanese manufacturers?

Will WilliamsF1 score more points without a BMW engine than the Germans do with their BMW engine?

Will the Cosworth be the surprise package of 2006?

What are the chances of Renault/Alonso having a very average defending year - like Jack Brabham/Cooper in
1961, Phil Hill/Ferrari in 1962, Jim Clark/Lotus in 1966, Mario Andretti/Lotus in 1979 and Jody Scheckter/Ferrari in 1980.
Alonso will retain the title. Barely.

Will Renault announce during the course of 2006 that they will pull the plug at the end of 2007?

And if they do, will they remain as an engine supplier?
Yes, with Briatore at the head of that program.

Will Ralf continue to be trounced by Jarno?

Will any driver achieve their maiden victory?
Yes. Scott Speed (I'm a Yank, so I have to hope, now don't I?). Seriously, JB has a good shot at it.

Will the new qualifying system make it to 2007?
No. It will be scrapped in favor of the system used in 2000.

Will it make it to July?

Does Michael still have what it takes to put a championship together?

Does Ferrari still have what it takes to put a championship together?
No. Unless Bridgestone is very, very good.

Will Red Bull have a dose of the 'year 2 blues'?

Will the 2.4 litre V8s provide better racing?
No. The only thing that would provide better racing is a return to the days of mechanical grip over aero
grip. That's the only way to ensure daring passing at the corners. Period.

Jenson or Rubens - who'll come out on top?
Rubens. Barely.

By the end of the season how much faster will the 'slower' V8 cars be than last years 'quicker' V10s
.1 sec.

In what month will Kimi be announced as being in the Ferrari for 2007?

Mike Dodson - Portland, OR, USA

The answers to the posed questions are only opinions, and as such, the best that can be said of them is that like buttocks, everyone has one.

The cat is indeed, more important. A cleverly disguised mascot from the MF1 team.

They're trying to tell us that by this time next year, they'll be gone. The cars and their entire engineering and aerodynamics team consisting of two, will return, in black and white livery matching "Kittiy Stoddard", as Minardi Plus.

Bob Dubery - Johannesburg, South Africa

1) Yes. Kimi
2) JPM's destination will depend on how many "moments" he has this year.
4) Yes. And the month will be the month in which it becomes numerically impossible for him to win the championship.
5) Toyota
6) Anything can happen in any given race, but BMW will not be, and don't expect to be, front-runners over the season as a whole.
7) No
8) Initially, but it will run out of steam/money as the season progresses.
9) Not good. Renault will be there or thereabouts, though it may be that they take their foot off of the development pedal towards the end of the season.
10) Yes.
11) No. That will probably cost them nearly as much as staying in the sport as a team.
12) Yes. The fastest thing about Ralph is his surname.
13) No.
14) No. It's a good one at face value, but the stipulations about being allowed to take on fuel etc will make it too confusing.
15) Yes. The teams won't want a change in mid-season, and besides July is too early for them to agree on anything.
16) Yes.
17) Not this year. They lost too much impetus last year. Notice how they're using the 2004 car for a baseline in testing.
18) Yes. The Ferrari engine won't do the job. No matter what anybody says, they won't get the same as the works team.
19) No. The problems with F1 being too processional were nothing to do with engines. And the qualifying format will provide less surprises on the grids.
20) JB.
21) No idea
22) He's trying like crazy to get out of whatever he signed because he knows that Ferrari have lost the plot, and under current laws he'll be succesful. And Ron Dennis will be one of the few team bosses to believe that he can have Kimi and Alonso in the same team and give them equal equipment and equal backing AND rein in one of them at the sharp end of the season.

Ricky Lee

Q1. No
Q2. Not sure
Q3. Kimi
Q4. Yes – June (right after he found out Ferrari can’t win any race this year)
Q5. Yes
Q6. No
Q7. Yes
Q8. Yes
Q9. Less likely
Q10. Not if Fisi perform well. But chances are high
Q11. Yes
Q12. Yes
Q13. Yes - Button
Q14. No
Q15. Do not think so
Q16. Yes – but not Ferrari
Q17. No
Q18. No
Q19. HELL NO !!!!
Q20. Jenson Button
Q21. more than a sec
Q22. July

Luca Biason - Leeds

1. No. This is an easy one!
2. More likely Montoya to go to Ferrari.
3. Kimi, if the engine doesn't break down too often.
4. Possible, we'll know about it around June/July.
5. Definitely Honda.
6. No chance.
7. That might as well happen.
8. Indeed it will.
9. In F1 everything is possible, but looking at the pre-season testing it seems they'll be the ones to beat.
10. That depends on the results, I suppose.
11. Yes.
12. Yes.
13. Everybody talks about Jenson..we'll see.
14. Hopefully not! But common sense in F1 is long dead.
15. I wish it didn't...
16. Yes, anyone who doubts it is someone who doesn't judge things objectively.
17. Only time will tell.
18. Things won't be easy from the start, but they'll come back strongly.
19. No, that would be Max Mosley resigning today.
20. Rubens, when he'll get used to the new car.
21. More or less at the same level, I suppose.
22. At the third or so engine blowing in a puff of smoke!

Simon Detheridge - Leamington Spa

Here's a few answers:

5. Honda will win before Toyota. They have more momentum from previous years, their winter testing times were impressive, and both of their drivers are better.
6. It's going to take more than a year to get BMW beyond it's midfield Sauber heritage. Honda will win before then.
7. While Williams may be dropping back from being a front-runner, to a leader in division two, it'll be a while before BMW catch up. Even with a bigger engine budget... The Cosworth looks nice.
8. Suprise? I thought everyone expected it to be good, with their V8 experience.
12. Yes.
13. Button has to, or his career is in trouble.
14. No. Here's the format for 2007: Qualifying consists of six sessions. The first session lasts 20 minutes, and
consists of a low-fuel shoot-out with unlimited laps. The slowest three occupy the last three spaces on the grid. Session two is a high-fuel session, again with unlimited laps. The slowest four occupy places 16-19. In the third session, the cars drive around the track the wrong way. The fastest three cars in this session are demoted to places 13-15 (it's dangerous to drive fast around the track the wrong way). Places 8-12 are decided by a night-time session, with the cars completing one single timed lap on an empty track, with lights fitted. Places 4-7 are decided by a run (no cars, just a straight-forward race) around the track by the remaining drivers. They must wear their overalls and helmets, and all drivers must complete the lap within 107% of the winner or face disqualification. Finally, the top three places on the grid are decided by a donuts competition.
15. It all depends on how much Max has been smoking.
19. Maybe. Tyre stops probably will spice things up again though.
20. Jenson.

Martijn Overing - Amsterdam, The Netherlands

1 No, why should they want to when now they discoverd the engines are made by Trabant?
2 Kimi - Ferrari, JPM - Super Aguri Honda
3 Paffet
4 Nope, certainly not when JT stays
5 Toyota - Trulli - Monaco
6 Yep - Villeneuve - Hungaroring
7 No - BMW will run like swiss clockwork
8 No - Super Aguri will be Suprise, oops, is already the suprise of the season and they will continue to leave us all flabbergasted and guessing at what they are doing there
9 100 % - Fisi will get the good car in the second half of this year, so it will look like Alonso's candle is expiring
10 Yes
11 New "private" team will get the engines (Richards?)
12 Absolutely
13 Massa at Indianapolis (Schumi's car will break down)
14 Ha, nope!
15 Gee - No - it already changed didnt it?
16 Yes - he still wears these things they put on horses so they can only see straight ahead
17 Yes - Ross "fiddle with something" Brown is still there
18 No, they all just drink more of the stuff
19 No, it will be processionnal like the last years only then slower so we spectators can follow it better.
20 Rubens, he has learned a trick or two from Michael (like the Hakkinen chop)
21 0.5
22 Alonso has already announced him didn't he?
23 Yeah, Pitpass will stil be the best

Peter Howard

1.Will either of the McLaren drivers stay?
2. If not, will one be at Ferrai and the other at Toyota?
Kimi to Renault on a one year deal, Montoya to stay at Maccas.
3. So who's Alonso's partner in 2007?
4. Will Michael retire and if so what month?
Only if he wins the title.
5. Will Toyota or Honda be the first Japanese manufacturer to win a race (with a V8)?
Rubens for Honda, in Malaysia.
6. Will BMW win, or even get a rostrum, before either of the Japanese manufacturers?
No, they wont win but Nick Heidfeld will luck a few podiums
7. Will WilliamsF1 score more points without a BMW engine than the Germans do with their BMW engine?
Yes, but Williams will need to get an early lead on BMW to ensure it, as Williams are a team on the wane.
8. Will the Cosworth be the surprise package of 2006?
Assuming the question refers to the V8 in the Williams, yes. Williams will be consistent top six finishers, and Webber will podium at least 5 times, restoring his stock.
9. Renault/Alonso defending blues?
Not a chance.
10. Will Renault quit?
As a manufactuer, yes
11. But remain as engine supplier?
Yes, maybe with Williams, with Williams sticking with Cosworth for a second year prior to the switch.
12. Jarno > Ralf?
Yes, Ralf is on 'cruise and collect' 95% of the time.
13. Any maiden victories?
Button and Massa...... possibly Webber if the stars line up for him.
14. Qualifying system stay to 2007?
15. Make it to July?
16. Michael still got his Mojo?
Yes, it's just not as pronounced as it used to be as the cream of the crop have emulated him.
17. Ferrari still got it's Mojo?
Yes, whilst the Dream Team remains in place, they can still dominate.
18. Red Bull to fall?
No, remain just behind Williams but just ahead of BMW.
19. By the end of the season how much faster will the slower V8 cars be than last year's quicker V10s?
Over a single lap, on new tyres, they'll still be a second slower.
20. Kimi to Ferrari in 2007 in what month?
He wont be going to Ferrari whilst Michael is there. If Michael quits before Kimi has to make a decision, he will.
But as I don't think Michael will win the title, he wont quit - and Kimi will go to Renault for a year.

Mauricio Sillano

1. Yes, Montoya
2. Kimi + Ferrari, yes.
3. –
4. He will, and will announce early in the season, June.
5. It will be Rubens for Honda
6. Yes, and it will be Jaques!
7. Yes, great hopes for Nico (Webber and Heidfeld will keep on fighting each other in the for the 10th place)
8. Speed, reliability and price… what better?
9. No, he will fight with Kimi and Michael for the top
10. Yes
11. Yes, for Team Schumacher
12. Yes
13. No
14. No
15. Yes, no mid season changes
16. Yes
17. Yes
18. Yes
19. Yes
20. Rubens
21. Even
22. September

Dave C Olson - Spain

1. Will either of the existing McLaren drivers stay on for 2007?
2. If not, will one be at Ferrari and the other at Toyota?
3. And if not - who will the Ronster announce as Alonso's partner for '07?
David Coulthard?
4. Will Michael retire and if so, what month will the announcement be made?
Yes, he will announce in October. You did not ask the year.
5. Will Toyota or Honda be the first Japanese manufacturer to win a race (with a V8)?
6. Will BMW win, or even get a rostrum, before either of the Japanese manufacturers?
7. Will WilliamsF1 score more points without a BMW engine than the Germans do with their BMW engine?
8. Will the Cosworth be the surprise package of 2006?
For Williams, most certainly.
9. What are the chances of Renault/Alonso having a very average defending year - like Jack Brabham/Cooper in 1961, Phil Hill/Ferrari in 1962, Jim Clark/Lotus in 1966, Mario Andretti/Lotus in 1979 and Jody Scheckter/Ferrari in 1980.
Fifty fifty.
10. Will Renault announce during the course of 2006 that they will pull the plug at the end of 2007?
11. And if they do, will they remain as an engine supplier?
12. Will Ralf continue to be trounced by Jarno?
13. Will any driver achieve their maiden victory?
14. Will the new qualifying system make it to 2007?
15. Will it make it to July?
16. Does Michael still have what it takes to put a championship together?
17. Does Ferrari still have what it takes to put a championship together?
18. Will Red Bull have a dose of the 'year 2 blues'?
19. Will the 2.4 litre V8s provide better racing?
20. Jenson or Rubens - who'll come out on top?
One is already on top.
21. By the end of the season how much faster will the 'slower' V8 cars be than last years 'quicker' V10s
A bit.
22. In what month will Kimi be announced as being in the Ferrari for 2007?

Normunds Karklins - Riga, Latvia

1. I suppose for Kimi it would be better to go, for JPM as well - if anyone wants him of course.
2. I would not really mind the Ferrari option, about Toyota - I don;t really know.
3. Let's wait and see. Could be anyone.
4. That probably will be around mid-season.
5. My preference would be with Honda. Not that I know much about engines, just the drivers are more decent.
6. Under normal circumstances - most certainly NOT.
7. I would love that, and I guess chances are good.
8. It would be great, but unlikely though. I would be positively surprised if they stay, actually.
9. Relatively high, I would say.
10. Almost certainly.
11. Unlikely.
12. Why not, they both deserve it, don't they?
13. Hopefully.
14. Personally to me it is a bit over-engineered, so I hope to return to somewhat more of "sense and simplicity"
15. I'm positively uncertain about that.
16. As far as Michael is concerned, yes, I think so.
17. It does not seem to be so.
18. Hopefully. I like them.
19. It of course depends on what is meant with "better racing". For spectators on the track probably the noise will be different. For TV viewers, it will probably look all the same.
20. Hard to say. I like them both, in a way. Probably Jenson?
21. Perhaps the rubber stuff will mean more at the end of the day than all the engineering marvels.
22. For sake of The Ronster's delight, the later the better...

Filippo Filippini - Italy

1) Yes, Montoya
2) Raikkonen will go to Ferrari
4) Yes, in May
5) Yes, both
6) No
7) Yes
8) Yes
9) 5%
10) No
11) -
12) No
13) Yes, Button
14) No
15) No
16) No
17) No
18) No
19) No
20) Jenson
21) 1 second a lap
22) May

Tony Geran - Sydney

1. Kimi will go off to Toyota Montoya will go to Renault to partner Webber
2. see above
3. The pommy Paffett will be Alonso's partner at Merc
4. MS will retire but he'll keep everyone guessing until Melbourne when Fisichella and Rossi will turn up to drive for a real Italian Ferrari team
5. Honda because they have the desire, Toyota only know how to cheat
6. No Sauber BMW will be only slightly better than last year
7. Yes
8. Yes, hopefully otherwise Team Willy may be a spent force
9. Nil Alonso will win championship
10. No don't think so they have Webber and Monster on their books
11. See above
12. Yes Ralf and Michael will both be out of F1 by the end of 2006
13. yes Webber and Button
14. No it won't make to July reverse grid positions will come into force by French GP
15. See above
16. Yes definitely but Ferrari don't - their big spending days are over
17. No
18. I don't think so depends on Ferrari engine although if Pepsi buys Red Bull then it's game over
19. No
20. Hard to say but I think JB will prove to be better
21. one sec
22. No he's chasing the big bucks to Toyota

Mind you I was wrong on just about every count in last year's predictions, especially about the Ashes series but we will get them back by end of Sydney test next year

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Published: 28/02/2006
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