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Binotto takes over at Audi


Former Ferrari boss, Mattia Binotto is joining the Audi F1 project and will take on its leadership in Hinwil.

Preparations for entering F1 in 2026 are going full speed ahead at Audi and as part of the complete takeover of all shares in Sauber Holding AG and the associated realignment of the control structure, the management of the future Audi factory team is now being renewed.

On August 1, the former Ferrari team boss Mattia Binotto is joining the Audi F1 project and will take on its leadership in Hinwil.

"I am delighted that we have been able to recruit Mattia Binotto for our ambitious Formula 1 project," said Gernot Dollner, CEO of AUDI AG. "With his extensive experience of more than 25 years in Formula 1, he will undoubtedly be able to make a decisive contribution for Audi." Following his university degree in mechanical engineering at EPFL in Switzerland, the Italian immediately joined the F1 test team of Ferrari in 1995. He subsequently had various positions, from chief engineer to manager of the engine department and technical director. In 2019 he was additionally appointed as team head of Scuderia Ferrari.

Binotto will be Chief Operating and Chief Technical Officer (COO and CTO) in the leadership team of Sauber Motorsport AG, with responsibility and accountability for the operative management and sporting success of the racing team. He will report to the Board of Directors of Sauber Motorsport AG.

The decision is part of the realignment of the control structure for the future Audi factory team and ensures the autonomy and independence of the Audi F1 project.

In this context, Audi is reorganizing the management team for its F1 activities.

"Our aim is to bring the entire Formula 1 project up to F1 speed by means of clear management structures, defined responsibilities, reduced interfaces, and efficient decision-making processes. For this purpose, the team must be able to act independently and quickly," said Dollner, who will take the position of chairman of the Board of Directors of Sauber Motorsport AG in future.

Oliver Hoffmann, previously Chairman of the Boards of Directors of all Sauber companies, and Andreas Seidl, previously CEO of Sauber Motorsport AG and Sauber Technologies AG, are leaving the project as part of the realignment.

"I would like to thank Oliver and Andreas for their important work in establishing our entry into Formula 1 and their commitment in preparing it," said Dollner.


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1. Posted by Burton, 24/07/2024 18:05

"More important than either Seidl or Binotto is the removal of that needless managerial position (Hoffman's) between the team and Audi's CEO. Great move."

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2. Posted by kenji, 24/07/2024 2:00

"Various reports over the past couple of months hinted at a worrying level of discontent bubbling away at Audi. It was apparently all to do with a possible power grab by certain indiduals and that has now come to pass. The choice of Binotto seems a but strange but I'm sure that Audi will have done considerable due diligence before making the changes. I like Binotto and I wish him success in his latest endeavours. "

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3. Posted by Celtic Tiger, 23/07/2024 19:55

"Binotto would have been better served as a engineer for Audi, odd that they'd ignore his record at leading a team when Ferrari was burning down around him and he was basically telling everyone that it was no big deal, the heater was just broken.
Good luck to Toad, maybe he'll be the driving force for the development of a banana peel launcher for Audi F1. "

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4. Posted by BrightonCorgi, 23/07/2024 16:35

"This is not going to move the needle in either direction for Sauber."

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5. Posted by Superbird70, 23/07/2024 15:29

"Egon is back. Who you gonna call?"

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