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Verstappen and Norris at odds over clash


Naturally, Max Verstappen and Lando Norris see today's controversial incidents somewhat differently.

When we headlined our qualifying report ' return of the Max' it was in reference to the fact that the Dutchman appeared to have rediscovered his dominant form, and in no way referenced his old 'elbows-out' approach to racing.

Unfortunately, his tactics during today's Grand Prix cast the headline in a different light.

"There's rules for what you're not allowed to do and you're allowed to do," said Norris, referring to the Dutchman's repeated reactions to the McLaren driver's overtaking bids, a definite no-no according to the rules. "He was doing things you're not allowed to do and not getting penalised.

"I expect a tough battle against Max," he added. "I know what to expect, I expect aggression and pushing the limits and that kind of thing. But all three times he's doing stuff which can easily cause an incident. And in a way just a bit reckless.

"He seemed like a little bit desperate from his side," said the Briton. "And he doesn't need to be, he's got plenty of wins.

"But a bit desperate to do what he could to not let me pass and I know it's going to be aggressive. So like I'm in a way not surprised, but I just expected a tough, fair, respectful on the edge bit of racing and I don't feel like that's what I got him into.

"I don't think I need to change anything I'm doing," he responded, when asked if he might need to adapt his own style now that the fight is ramping up. "I mean, I was on the edge of the track, I didn't know what else I'm going to do.

"He's always been a bit like that," he sighed. "I respect Max a lot and what he can do and what he goes out and does every time he's on track, but there's times when I think he goes maybe a little bit too far. And I feel like today is a little bit of that. It's one incident and at the same time, I know these things happen.

"I'm disappointed... he ruined my race, destroyed my car. And we don't have a lot of space in the battle that we're in, in terms of upgrades and budget cap and things like that. My whole car is destroyed and these are all the bits that we need for next week.

"It's not just a repercussion of what happens on the track, it's everything that we have to carry in Silverstone and be disadvantaged by. I just expected a bit more from him."

While Norris was forced to retire from the race due to the damage incurred, Verstappen brought his car home in fifth. Though handed a 10s penalty for causing the collision his lead over (sixth-placed) Nico Hulkenberg was such that he didn't lose the position.

Nonetheless, he admitted surprise at the penalty.

"Ten seconds seemed a bit severe for me at that point," he said. "Because I didn't feel like it was super, like anything kind of aggressive, going on in that movement."

Told of Norris' claim that he was moving under braking in order to thwart the McLaren driver's attempts to pass, the Dutchman said: "For me, it was not moving under braking. Every time that I moved, I was not braking already. Of course from the outside, it always looks like that, but I think I know fairly well what to do in this kind of scenarios.

"Also a few of those are really late dive bombs, so it's a bit of just sending it up the inside and just hope that the other guy steers out of it. It's not always how you race, but I think it's just the corner here that lends to that as well. I've been in the other position as well where you go for it, and it's just the shape of the corner. I think the move that we got together was something that I didn't expect.

"I saw him coming of course, so I defended a little bit the inside. And then under braking we touched with the rear tyres and we both get a puncture from it, which of course is something you don't want to happen.

"That's what I meant with the dive-bombing," he continued. "It's just standing it up late and hoping that the other guy steers out of it and you make the corner, which wasn't the case. Of course, you can say moving on the braking for me, which wasn't the case because I didn't brake when I moved.

"But it's also a bit like just sending it up the inside from far, which of course looks good. I like it as well, but sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. I think today that it didn't work out. But then of course, like I said before, with the contact that we have, it's super unfortunate."

Asked if he feels the incident will compromise their relationship, he said: "We'll talk about it, but not now. It's not the right time. But you know, we're racing drivers. Lando and I, we have a little age gap, that's why we never really raced against each other in lower categories compared to some other drivers here. But yeah, we'll move on from here."

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1. Posted by NS Biker, 01/07/2024 4:24

"Without taking any position on who was right or wrong, the thought goes back to the old probability and consequences for a situation like this.
Lando goes to the right, the inside of the corner.
Max can't cut him off as he is braking and at or near the limit for cornering and he is starting out near the left of center.
Lando is tasked with having to make the corner and leave Max enough room to either stay ahead or conceed the corner. Lando also gets the opportunity to try and get better traction out of the corner and onto the straight (good luck with that). This puts all the onus and responsibility on Lando for both of them to make the corner with an opportunity for him to come out ahead.
Max has to rely on Lando making the corner or head for the run-off area. His choice.
Alternative ... Lando goes left and outside, as he did.
Nice in theory, but Lando has NO control over the outcome and is totally reliant on Max for room and that he will stick the corner and not drift out or worse, lose it mid corner.
He is totally reliant on Max for what is going to happen and how it will turn out. Lando has lost pretty much all control of the situation and the outcome is predictable.
Recommendation: Don't do that again. Find another way.

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2. Posted by kenji, 01/07/2024 3:27

"I think that it was demonstrated in the replays that Verstappen didn't appear to move in the braking area as he was off the brakes as he committed to the turn in. Where was he supposed to go? Norris has to accept that Verstappen is going to fight for every centimetre of his corner. It was close and exciting racing and all the recriminations from the 'other side' are not going to change anything. Norris needs to box a bit cleverer if he is going to take on Verstappen in the future. This scenario can only get juicier as the season progresses."

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3. Posted by Pavlo, 30/06/2024 22:48

"Just checked the docs, Lando was penalised +5seconds, but he was actually classified with 7 laps behind and “served” the penalty in this race. Otherwise wound be places in Silverstone.
Lucky for him the didn’t crash a lap before."

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4. Posted by Pavlo, 30/06/2024 22:43

"@Wokingchap: on contrary, I don’t think the consequences should be considered. Max did slightly move under breaking in the area which another driver was going to use, and further events didn’t depend on him. Lando could have moved and avoided the incident, then there would probably be no penalty - which in my view would be incorrect, as Max would have just defended position in unfair way.

Also I don’t really agree with Lando, the crash was quite minor, so Max directly just punctured his tire. If the whole car disintegrated after that, it sounds like a design flaw… or most probably just overreacting… I’d expect damage to the rear wing and a bit of bodywork, that’s it.
Also I really expected them to continue to serve all possible penalties.

@Celtic Tiger: agree, I would expect stewards to look if the area is usually used for braking/turning. Like in the previous cases Max “moved” when he started turn into the corner, which irritated Lando but was formally correct. Whereas moving to the outside (requiring opponent to move as well) doesn’t seem to be the case.

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5. Posted by Wokingchap, 30/06/2024 21:29

"Oops..... i meant Andrea Stella....sorry."

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6. Posted by Wokingchap, 30/06/2024 21:00

"This is Max using his old dangerous tactics again. I agree with Andrea Seidl too, the penalty just doesn't fit the consequences, and i feel strongly that consequences should be taken into account by the rules (not just because of this incident)"

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7. Posted by Celtic Tiger, 30/06/2024 20:24

"So if I'm reading it correctly, MV's view is that if he moves in the braking zone but doesn't physically touch his brake pedal, its okay? I don't think that's how it works but if he's legitimate in that view, it explains a lot."

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