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Verstappen hits out at "disgusting" abuse


Max Verstappen has reacted angrily to media reportage of what happened in Brazil and the abuse suffered on social media as a result.

As the season came to a close, at a time F1 CEO, Stefano Domenicali feared that interest in the sport might be waning what with both championships having been settled, Verstappen's on-track clash with nemesis Lewis Hamilton combined with his refusal to yield to his own teammate put the sport back on front pages ensuring that this weekend's season finale would be a sell-out, must watch.

In the aftermath of Verstappen's refusal to give way to Sergio Perez, thereby enabling the Mexican in his quest for the runner-up spot, there was the usual reaction on social media, with the two-time world champion's mother getting in on the act by alleging that Perez had cheated on his wife.

Speaking as the Abu Dhabi weekend got underway, though refusing to comment on the allegation he virtually made public last week - namely that Perez had deliberately crashed in Monaco "last summer", thereby thwarting his bid for pole - Verstappen hit out.

"I have never been a bad team-mate to anyone," said the Dutchman, "I've always been very helpful, and the team knows that.

"I think what we learned from that is that we have to be a little bit more open, and we have to communicate better to each other," he added.

"After the race, of course, I looked very bad in the media. But also, they don't have a clear picture. But to immediately put me down like that, it's pretty ridiculous to be honest because they don't know how I work within the team.

"So all the things I've read is pretty disgusting. Even more than that, they started attacking my family, they were threatening my sister, my mum, my girlfriend, my dad. For me, that goes way too far.

"You don't have the facts of what was actually going on, and that definitely has to stop," he warned. "If you have a problem with me, that's fine, but don't go after my family, because that's just unacceptable.

"Honestly, I have a great relationship with Checo," he insisted, "but I just don't understand when people don't have the full picture maybe start attacking me like that. I hope one day they actually understand what was going on, because it's just unacceptable behaviour of so many people."

Nonetheless, despite the fact that it was he who raised the subject of "last summer" in the first place, Verstappen is clearly angry that it was picked up on.

"You don't know the real story, so you don't need to write a story," he insisted. "I'm just a bit fed up with all this bullshit just going around all the time. It's pretty sickening, to be honest, being part of that.

"At the end of the day, I haven't even done anything wrong, it's just people misunderstood what was actually going on."

The good news is that when coverage gets underway, Simon, Ted, Martin, Naomi, Natalie and 'Crofty' et al probably won't even give it a mention.

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1. Posted by Spindoctor, 17/11/2022 22:53

"Ad hominem attacks on his family are absolutely wrong, but his attacks on the media are a total non sequitur.
He should remember the old adage "when you're down a hole, stop digging "."

Rating: Positive (4)     Rate comment: Positive | NegativeReport this comment

2. Posted by JamesD, 17/11/2022 19:50

"A bit rich Max when you're mother was spreading **** on Twitter about Sergio"

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3. Posted by BillH, 17/11/2022 17:37

"If an information vacuum exists then rumour and speculation will fill the void.
From the article Verstappen says:
"they (the media) don't have a clear picture"
"You don't have the facts of what was actually going on, and that definitely has to stop,"
"but I just don't understand when people don't have the full picture maybe start attacking me like that. I hope one day they actually understand what was going on...",
"You don't know the real story, so you don't need to write a story,"

Well, Mr Verstappen, tell everyone what the "real story" is so you can correct the record and clear up any rumours and so on.

That being said, online attacks on Verstappen and his family are pathetic and another symptom of anonymous so called fans and keyboard warriors that are a bunch of cowards that would never say the things they say face to face or if their identity was known.

Hopefully this weekend we can continue to watch Verstappen in the excellent form he has been in as a driver this year.


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4. Posted by Mad Matt, 17/11/2022 17:14

"He's either incredibly naive or.... what did he think people would conclude from what he said and did?

Of course idiots on social media shouldn't say nasty things about anyone but they do... and not just to celebs."

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