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Szafnauer leaves Aston Martin


Aston Martin has announced that Otmar Szafnauer has left the company, the news coming three months after Martin Whitmarsh was brought on board.

"Otmar Szafnauer has left the Company," announced the Silverstone-based outfit in a brief release this morning. "His role at Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One Team will be managed within the leadership team until a replacement is appointed.

"We would like to thank him for the service provided to the team over the past 12 years and wish him well for the future as he will undoubtedly take on new challenges," it added.

"Fortunately, we are led and managed by a strong group of individuals, and we are comfortable to take a little time to explore options before announcing a new team structure. The focus of the team is currently on preparing the most competitive car possible for the start of the 2022 season."

The news will come as little surprise to many as the British team had a disappointing debut season in 2021, especially compared to the success of 2020 when it was still Racing Point.

From the very moment Whitmarsh was announced as Group Chief Executive Officer of Aston Martin Performance Technologies, a role encompassing Formula One activities, the writing appeared to be on the wall for Szafnauer who had joined the Silverstone-base team - then known as Force India - from Honda in 2010.

Prior to Honda, which he joined in 2002, Szafnauer had been Operations Director for British American Racing before joining Jaguar as COO.

Honda/BAR of course eventually morphed into Mercedes while Jaguar became Red Bull.


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1. Posted by kenji, 10/01/2022 10:47

"@ Max Noble...yes, I agree with your comment. It's always entertaining when Bernie is around throwing a few flash bangs and the occasional grenade into the paddock mix. Lots of people like to cdiss on Bernie but IMO he's pretty much onto 'it' when it comes to F1 in all it's guises. He's seen it all....."

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2. Posted by Max Noble, 10/01/2022 9:26

"…this is going to be a fascinating year for AMF1… Will Sir Stroll win the day, or drink from the Haas well of bitterness come season’s end…? As ever cannot wait. So good to see a few Bernie sound bites back in circulation. Always priceless off-track entertainment…"

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3. Posted by kenji, 09/01/2022 23:37

"@ Brighton Corgi....Sorry to disappoint comment was in jest tinged with a modicum of cynical intent. My apologies. Then again I do really believe that the absence of Flavio is something to be missed. History is history and his past demeanours [ ? ] mean zip today. He's a very smart dude and I miss his very obvious 'flash' in the paddock. Would be hilarious if he actually did pop up though...."

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4. Posted by BrightonCorgi, 09/01/2022 15:19

"@kenji - I haven't seen any articles on him joining AMF1. Would be a welcome addition. Not as great as Ron Dennis, but great none-the-less.

Any links?"

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5. Posted by kenji, 09/01/2022 14:45

"@ Brighton Corgi....Ron is a non starter, Briatore has already signed on......"

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6. Posted by BrightonCorgi, 09/01/2022 4:03

"I am just waiting for Ron Dennis to Join Aston Martin."

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7. Posted by kenji, 08/01/2022 9:35

"@ Bill Hopgood....You only get to be on the SKY team if you're a Brit. and then you have to pass an extreme test to prove conclusively that you are worthy of representing 'The Jack' in all possible manners. The 'Szaf' would fail the test completely so I very much doubt that he would be in the running. What would be welcome is the removal, for ever and a day, of both Herbert and Hill, two of the most nauseating presenters ever to grace our TV screens."

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8. Posted by BillH, 08/01/2022 1:14

"Goodbye Aston Martin, hello SkyF1?"

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9. Posted by kenji, 06/01/2022 1:40

"Szafnauer never impressed me especially when he outwhined all the others combined re the floor changes brought in by the FIA. Whoever came up with the concept of 'copycars' also made a major mistake as the transfer of 'philosophy' behind a design rarely accompanies any transfer! Maybe one day we'll get the real story behind the Stroll/Wolff partnership. The most interesting element is just who will take over at AM and where will Szaf surface?"

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10. Posted by 79-626inHI, 05/01/2022 20:51

"Maybe Otmar saw the future direction of the team when the new owner (Laurence Stroll) decided to bring in Vettel and let Perez go, thus keeping his own son as a driver instead of Sergio. "

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11. Posted by KKK, 05/01/2022 19:41

"Witmarsh at it again....."

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12. Posted by Defiant, 05/01/2022 16:29

"Another sacrificial lamb in the realms of F1. I guess the saying goes "you're only as good as your last race". Last years success has nothing to do with Otmar is what the spoiled billionaire is saying.

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