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Wolff: Get your f****** head down!


Mercedes boss Toto Wolff hits out at Christian Horner after Red Bull boss calls on FIA to level the playing field.

His multi-championship winning team now on the back foot, Christian Horner did himself no favours today when he launched into an astonishing attack on rivals Mercedes.

Claiming that his team won titles despite the best efforts of the FIA to handicap it, Horner then called on the FIA to rein in Mercedes and level the playing field, warning that such domination as that witnessed this weekend will hurt the sport... the Briton seemingly having forgotten the periods of his team's domination in recent years indeed, domination that didn't even involve his drivers going all-out head-to-head..

"When we were winning, and we were never winning with an advantage that Mercedes has, double diffusers were banned, exhausts were moved, flexible bodywork was banned, engine mapping was changed mid-season, anything was done to pull us back," he moaned. "It was not just us, it was done to McLaren and Williams in other years.

"Is it healthy to have a situation like this?" he insisted. "The FIA, within the rules, have an equalisation mechanism and that needs to be looked at," he demanded.

At Mercedes, Toto Wolff was having none of it.

"If you try to beat each other and perform at the highest level and then you need equalisation after the first race, you cry out after the first race, that's not how we've done things in the past," he said.

"I think, 'just get your f****** head down, work hard and try to sort it out'." He continued, quickly explaining, referring to Horner, "I didn't mean the F-word in relation to him."

Asked if he feels the sport faces yet another season of politics, he shrugged and replied: "It is always a political season. It was last year and it is this year.

"There is this wall in Jerusalem that you can stand in front of and complain," he added. "Maybe the guys should go there."


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1. Posted by Yeyox02, 17/03/2015 21:59

"1.- Horner should go and see a good psychiatrist because his mind is sick.
2.- Mercedes did their task while others do not, now rivals are upset because they are being crushing them.
3.- RBR should be permited to use the old V8 while Renault "engineers" fix their "new" V6 Hybrid PU, in fact RB should be permited to use their last 2013 winning championship car and that´s it. Do you like my idea Mr. Horner?
4.- No matter what kind of changes FIA or Ecclestone will invent to rein in Merc and "level things up a little bit"..., Mercedes will crush them anyway.
5.- It seems that Ferrari have a more adult approach of the situation than those crying babies of Red Bull."

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2. Posted by Darvi, 17/03/2015 9:53

"I agree with Toto, stop whining and figure out what is wrong with the car.

It isn't just about then engine, Ferrari are now also contenders and the other Mercedes engined teams, while quick, are not dominating, so it is about the combination of a great engine in a brilliant chassis. Even without their Renault issues, the RB chassis isn't what it used to be, and that is under Horner's complete control. It might also be a good idea to stop being so critical of Renault and help them to find a good way forward.


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3. Posted by RPrior, 17/03/2015 9:46

"Despite disliking Wolf - He is absolutely right. F1 is totally over regulated.

When I started going to F1 races, there were 31 teams. Engines were permitted in a wide variety of configurations conforming only to cubic capacity or "swept volume".

Out of the various teams engines were Flat4, V8, V6 (Ferrari), Straight 4.

The following year (1964) - Ferrari alone had 3 different engines V6, V8 and Flat 12

Then came the era of multiple spec. engines 1966-1986 1.5L Compressed engines and 3.0L Atmospheric engines.

Then progressively, F1 lost its way as costs spiralled out of control

Coming up to date - Cost control philosophies were accompanied by increasing regulation that has countered innovation that has been at the heart of F1 since its inception.

One of the biggest problems facing the sport is that the maximum potential of the circuits has been reached - a combination of tyre technology and aerodynamics with the effect that overtaking is a near impossibility at some circuits.


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4. Posted by kdxrider, 16/03/2015 19:09


How about eight cars missing if Mercedes has enough and walks ---"

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5. Posted by John VFR, 16/03/2015 12:01

"Well said Toto,I (and I suspect most RACE fans) couldn't agree more.
Struggle with dignity Red Bull and pull yourselves back to the front I bet your engine suppliers are absolutely just loving your style of gratitude!
Oops Christian,foot shoot and all that."

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6. Posted by Spindoctor, 16/03/2015 11:40

"I'm very disappointed that Christian Horner, of all people, should be whingeing like this. Disappointed, but not surprised. RBR has always seemed to me to be about winning at any cost, not interested in participating in "Sport".
It would be quite interesting if the Red Bull toys were completely ejected from the pram, how would Bernie explain losing another 4 cars from the grid I wonder? Back in the real world that probably won't happen any time soon, given the contracts in place.

I agree with Wolff that in the current version of F1 its not up to FIA to invent some magical formula to remove Mercedes' advantage, but the other teams to get better. Ferrari seems to have done just that, so it's not impossible, just very difficult & expensive.
We seem likely to end-up with another season of Mercedes dominance of the 1st & 2nd positions, but the "best of the rest" competition is looking pretty epic."

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7. Posted by Hondawho?, 16/03/2015 9:22

"I am looking forward to seeing what Adrian Newey and others do at the Americas cup project. " flexible body work, sounds fascinating.

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8. Posted by Hondawho?, 16/03/2015 9:07

"" Stand in front of A wall in Jerusalem" coming from an Austrian /German I think that comment is it a good idea either.

Interesting to read all these comments from F1 bosses, but as us mere mortals know very little about what has gone on in the past, reading is possibly the best policy."

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9. Posted by BWesty, 16/03/2015 8:02

"I recall when Ferrari were untouchable, there were plenty of detractors having a go at the FIA to change the rules, it took almost 5 years and a change in the rules for Renault AND Fernando to catch Michael. then Renault (Red Bull) had their turn in the Sun and for 4 years nobody could touch them, now it's Mercedes' turn to shine, this is the nature of F1 and it has been this way forever... The other teams MUST knuckle down and do their best to catch the boys at Mercedes. what amazes me is that some of the teams already have the same power Unit, yet they are so far off the pace... I doubt it's purely aero related... I think that the teams should be looking at the gap between the power Unit and the car to identify where Mercedes are so much better. don't moan about it boys, get stuck in..."

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10. Posted by MakingSense, 16/03/2015 4:19

"It is disappointing to see two men who are generally respected figures (or were at one time) to lash out in such an unprofessional manner. What is now brutally apparent is the fact that Red Bull are not capable of not winning gracefully. It's pathetic really. I wonder if Horner is not ashamed of his childish outburst? This is clearly not the way a classy organization in any sport responds to defeat. If I'm not mistaken they all had the same rules to work within? Another point worth mentioning is Red Bull did not have a gun to their head to make the decision to continue their relationship with Renault. It would appear that Horner and Marko, who have been reading their own press to often in their untouchable years, have made a grievous error and are lashing out like misbehaved school children. I do hope one of them reads this. Wouldn't that be splendid? Probably good enough to ignite another tantrum. "

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11. Posted by Joop deBruin, 16/03/2015 2:58

"Toto, run along and see if you can find Dorothy! Or maybe the the Tin Man, he has your missing brain.

He neglects all of the FIA clamp downs that occurred to Brawn and Red Bull's aero designs. Toto is no wolf, he's a pooosy. Meow!"

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12. Posted by Yeyox02, 16/03/2015 0:54

"Mr Horner: if you can not do you work, you should resign immediately."

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13. Posted by alfsboy, 15/03/2015 22:31

"Thank god RedBull dont really let him actually run the team ."

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