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Talking Point: Questions, questions


In a recent feature for Pitpass, Michael Clark posed a number of questions for the 2006 season, and at the time we said that we would use them for a Talking Point.

So here we are, without further ado, here are Michael's 20 questions, plus two more we've added in.

Please feel free to give your answers and comments on all the questions, or simply select one or two - it's your choice.

  1. Will either of the existing McLaren drivers stay on for 2007?
  2. If not, will one be at Ferrari and the other at Toyota?
  3. And if not - who will the Ronster announce as Alonso's partner for '07?
  4. Will Michael retire and if so, what month will the announcement be made?
  5. Will Toyota or Honda be the first Japanese manufacturer to win a race (with a V8)?
  6. Will BMW win, or even get a rostrum, before either of the Japanese manufacturers?
  7. Will WilliamsF1 score more points without a BMW engine than the Germans do with their BMW engine?
  8. Will the Cosworth be the surprise package of 2006?
  9. What are the chances of Renault/Alonso having a very average defending year - like Jack Brabham/Cooper in 1961, Phil Hill/Ferrari in 1962, Jim Clark/Lotus in 1966, Mario Andretti/Lotus in 1979 and Jody Scheckter/Ferrari in 1980.
  10. Will Renault announce during the course of 2006 that they will pull the plug at the end of 2007?
  11. And if they do, will they remain as an engine supplier?
  12. Will Ralf continue to be trounced by Jarno?
  13. Will any driver achieve their maiden victory?
  14. Will the new qualifying system make it to 2007?
  15. Will it make it to July?
  16. Does Michael still have what it takes to put a championship together?
  17. Does Ferrari still have what it takes to put a championship together?
  18. Will Red Bull have a dose of the 'year 2 blues'?
  19. Will the 2.4 litre V8s provide better racing?
  20. Jenson or Rubens - who'll come out on top?
  21. By the end of the season how much faster will the 'slower' V8 cars be than last years 'quicker' V10s
  22. In what month will Kimi be announced as being in the Ferrari for 2007?

Chris Balfe

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Note: Please include your full name - without a valid name we will not publish your entry.

Alex Rensen - The Netherlands

Will either of the existing McLaren drivers stay on for 2007?
Kimi will leave, Montoya will flirt with Red Bull and Renault, but he’ll partner Alonso in 2007

If not, will one be at Ferrari and the other at Toyota?
Kimi will fill Massa’s seat, Massa will join Toyota.

And if not - who will the Ronster announce as Alonso's partner for '07?
Ralph Schumacher

Will Michael retire and if so, what month will the announcement be made?
It will all depend on the way the Ferrari’s fare, if they’re not good enough Micheal won’t retire and if they are, he’ll announce it in the pressconference after he won his 8th championship

Will Toyota or Honda be the first Japanese manufacturer to win a race (with a V8)?
Definitely Honda, the inconsistency of the Toyota drivers will harm them too much

Will BMW win, or even get a rostrum, before either of the Japanese manufacturers?
Is that mend as a joke?

Will WilliamsF1 score more points without a BMW engine than the Germans do with their BMW engine?
Williams will make good use of their 3rd driver and finish in the top 5


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